Acute exercise reduces postprandial triacylglycerol concentrations ([TAG]) in boys and girls; however, it is not known whether between-sex differences exist in response to exercise. Fifteen boys (mean(SD): 11.8(0.4) years) and sixteen girls (12.1(0.7) years) completed two, 2-day conditions. On day 1, participants rested (CON) or completed 10×1 min high-intensity interval runs at 100% maximal aerobic speed with 1 min recovery (HIIR). On day 2, participants consumed a standardised breakfast and lunch over a 6.5-h period during which seven capillary blood samples were collected. Based on ratios of the geometric means (95% CI for ratios), fasting [TAG] was 32% lower in boys than girls (-44 to -18%, ES=1.31, P<0.001), and 12% lower after HIIR than CON (-18 to -5%, ES=0.42, P=0.003); the magnitude of reduction was not significantly different between the sexes (8% (ES=0.36) vs. 15% (ES=0.47), respectively; P=0.29). The total area under the [TAG] versus time curve was 27% lower in boys than girls (-40 to -10%, ES=1.02, P=0.005), and 10% lower after HIIR than CON (-16 to -5%, ES=0.36, P=0.001); the magnitude of reduction was similar between the sexes (11% (ES=0.43) vs. 10% (ES=0.31), respectively; P=0.87). The small-moderate reduction in postprandial [TAG] after HIIR was similar between the sexes.
The research was supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Leicester Biomedical Research Centre.
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Published in
Journal of Sports Sciences
THRACKRAY, A.E., BARRETT, L.A. and TILFREY, K., 2017. Sex differences in postprandial lipaemia after acute high-intensity interval running in young people. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(15), pp. 1673-1681.
Taylor & Francis
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Sports Sciences on 24 Nov 2017, available online: