The Field Monte Carlo or Stochastic Fields (SF) method for turbulent reacting flows has been applied to the chemical evolution of the early part of a hot jet with bypass flow producing 7kN of thrust, using a 23 species chemical mechanism. This is done to broadly approximate a turbofan engine at idle thrust setting. Much of the chemistry was found to take place inside the core of the jet before mixing occurs, as there is no reactant gradient there, considering segregation makes little difference. Radical concentrations, however, were found to be changed. The reaction between NO and ambient O 3, which is slow compared to the fast mixing timescale of the turbulent jet, is unaffected by segregation. The local Damköhler number was calculated based on an estimate of the chemical timescale and the local large-eddy timescale. It was found that only those species which had local Da greater than five were affected by segregation. In this work we have applied the SF method the early part of the plume, however the method developed here could equally be employed to study the plume over a longer distance.
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
GARMORY, A., BRITTER, R.E. and MASTORAKOS, E., 2008. Simulation of the evolution of aircraft exhaust plumes including detailed chemistry and segregation. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 113 (8), D08303, 17pp.