Simultaneous determination of the mechanical properties and turgor of a single bacterial cell using atomic force microscopy
Bacterial mechanical properties (cell wall stiffness and turgor) are important factors for bacterial survival in harsh environments. For an individual bacterial cell, it is challenging to determine the cell wall stiffness and turgor simultaneously. In this study, we adopted a combined finite element modelling and mathematical modelling approach to simultaneously determine bacterial cell wall stiffness and turgor of an individual bacterial cell based on atomic force microscopy (AFM) nanoindentation. The mechanical properties and turgor of Staphylococcus epidermidis, determined by our method are consistent with other independent studies. For a given aqueous environment, bacterial cell wall stiffness increased linearly with an increase in turgor. Higher osmolarity leads to a decrease in both cell wall stiffness and turgor. We also demonstrated that the change of turgor is associated with a change in viscosity of the bacterial cell.
Multiscale characterization of complex materials using a combination of atomic force microscopy and optical coherence tomography
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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12060 - 12068Publisher
Royal Society of ChemistryVersion
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2022-08-06Publication date
2022-08-08Copyright date
2040-3372Publisher version
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