This paper focuses on the relationship between the socio-technical system and the user-technology interface. It looks at specific aspects of the organisational context such as multiple user roles, job change, work processes and workflows, technical infrastructure, and the challenges they present for the interaction designer. The implications of trends such as more mobile and flexible working, the use of social media, and the growth of the virtual organisa-tion, are also considered. The paper also reviews rapidly evolving technologies such as per-vasive systems and artificial intelligence, and the skills that workers will need to engage with them.
MAGUIRE, M. 2014. Socio-technical systems and user interaction design: 21st century relevance. Applied Ergonomics [Special issue of Applied Ergonomics: Advances in Socio-Technical Systems Understanding and Design: A Festschrift in Honour of Emeritus Professor Ken Eason], 45 (2), Part A, pp. 162–170.