The discrete transfer method ( DTM) is a widely used algorithm for the computation of
radiative heat transfer in enclosures. The truncation error in the heat flux integral associated
with the method is the difference between the actual heat flux and its DTM
approximation. Estimates were presented by Versteeg et al. [ 1, 2] of the error associated
with the discretization of the hemisphere around irradiated points in enclosures filled with
transparent and nonscattering participating media. In this article we quantify the errors
due to the spatial discretisation of the enclosure surface and medium conditions. We have
studied radiation problems in enclosures with nonhomogeneous absorbing/emitting media
with nonuniform surface intensity based on Hsu and Farmer’s benchmark case E1 [ 3] .
Our error estimates are found to be in excellent agreement with the actual DTM errors
and have been used successfully to predict the convergence rates of the DTM as the
control-volume mesh is refined.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
VERSTEEG, H.K., HENSON, J.C. and MALALASEKERA, W., 2000. Spatial discretization errors in the heat flux integral of the discrete transfer method. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 38 (4), pp. 333 - 352