In May 2006, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) presented a
report to Parliament entitled What Price Privacy? The report highlighted the
extent of the illegal trade in personal data. Arguing that the risk of security
breaches had increased largely as a result of the rise of the ‘data-based
society’, the ICO called for a change in the legislation to permit jail sentences
of up to two years in respect of offences under section 55 of the Data
Protection Act 1998. In February 2007, the UK government stated its intention
to adopt that recommendation.
This paper examines the current UK policy approach to regulating the illegal
flow of personal information, and the lead taken by the UK Information
Commissioner. Reference is made to the ‘privacy toolbox’, where data
protection legislation is combined with measures such as codes of practice
and privacy impact assessments (PIAs). Comparisons are made with the work
of overseas regulators. In addition, the current regulatory framework regarding
section 55 offences is examined, with the author attending an ICO
prosecution hearing in December 2006. The paper concludes by arguing that
a greater emphasis needs to be placed on the assessment of privacy risks
posed, in particular, by the expansion and proposed merger of government
databases. Adoption of PIAs could help achieve this.
Social Sciences
Geography and Environment
WARREN, A.P., 2007. Stolen identity: regulating the illegal trade in personal data in the ‘data-based society.’ International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 21 (2), pp. 177-190.