Toys, more than being objects of play,
reflect society’s relation to globalization on different
layers, manifesting themselves in typologies of toys,
their production methods and the industrial organization of the sector, as well as in the exploitation
of cultural references in new product development
(NPD). Contemporary theories of globalization state that globalization does not only work in a homogenizing and
standardizing way but the global dynamics are transformed
and adapted by local actors. In the encounter of the Glob
al and the Local, different modes of articulation emerge in
addition to the dichotomic responses of acceptance and
rejection. In that manner, toys embody an important issue of
research, acting as the physical manifestations of local and
global dynamics. This paper aims to understand how design
and production characteristics of toys have been adapted
to the changing socio-economic characteristics of Turkey
İstanbul in particular. Starting from the first instances of
systematic toy production, the transformation of production
practices and different typologies have been analysed in
relation to the changing urban structure; economic, social
and cultural conjuncture of their times. The evaluation of
different systems of design and production has established
a background for understanding the contemporary structure.
The geographical and industrial organization of the sector
as well as the actors and networks are analysed to generate
a comprehensive analysis. Then, different types of contem
porary toys and tactics of cultural adaptation are studied to
reach a comprehensive understanding of the issue. Toys are
sampled, categorized and analysed both in means of design
characteristics and design and production processes. As a
result, different instances of cultural adaptation were methodized, namely translation, transliteration, hybridization and
reproduction, where toy companies facilitate elements of traditional, popular and global culture as well as different modes
of production for their NPD tactics.
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in The Design Journal on 13 Jun 2016, available online:[Article DOI]