posted on 2009-11-13, 10:01authored byNeal Swettenham
The plays of the American avant-garde writer and director Richard Foreman present
actors with a significant problem: their characters exist in a constant state of flux,
detached from the usual narrative moorings, with the result that conventional acting
methodologies do not apply. Drawing on interviews with Foreman himself, with the actors
who worked with him on his New York production of King Cowboy Rufus Rules the
Universe (2004), and on the rehearsal process of a student group preparing for the UK
premiere of Pearls for Pigs (1993), Neal Swettenham investigates in this essay the precise
challenges posed by these unusual texts. He argues that Foreman wants to provoke in his
actors a sense of being permanently ‘off-balance’, requiring each of the performers in King
Cowboy Rufus to develop their own way of navigating the play’s contradictory demands.
Similarly, the UK actors discovered that the unconventional dialogue, stripped of all
contextual clues, must still be delivered with intention and rigour. Certain very specific
European films cited by Foreman provide possible pointers to an acting style appropriate
to the plays but, in the final analysis, the actor’s problem remains. Neal Swettenham
lectures in drama at Loughborough University. His ‘Irish Rioters, Latin American Dictators,
and Desperate Optimists’ Play-boy’ appeared in NTQ83 (August 2005).
The Arts, English and Drama
English and Drama
SWETTENHAM, N., 2008. The actor's problem: performing the plays of Richard Foreman. New Theatre Quarterly, 24 (1), pp. 65-74.