The ballistic impact performance of nanocrystalline zirconia-toughened alumina (nZTA) ceramics,
comprising 15 wt% nano-yttria-stabilised zirconia in a sub-micron alumina matrix, have been studied
through depth of penetration tests and compared to the results for monolithic alumina. The penetration
resistance of each material was evaluated by fitting the penetration depth results against the thickness
of the ceramic targets. These results show that, despite micro-Raman analysis of the nZTA confirming
the occurrence of the classic tetragonal-to-monoclinic zirconia phase transformation, nZTA ceramics
provide no benefit with respects to penetration resistance compared to monolithic alumina. Analysis of
the fragments generated using Cr3+/Al2O3 fluorescence spectroscopy shows that both the nZTA and
alumina experience similar amounts of plastic deformation as a function of fragment size, with finer
fragments (<150 µm) exhibiting more plastic deformation than coarser fragments (>150 µm). These
results are validated through fracture surface observations and subsurface dislocation analysis using
SEM and TEM respectively.
Understanding and Improving Ceramic Armour Materials
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Journal of the European Ceramic Society and the definitive published version is available at