Loughborough University

The design of next generation in-vehicle navigation systems for the older driver

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journal contribution
posted on 2006-01-11, 18:22 authored by Andrew MayAndrew May, Tracy RossTracy Ross, Zaheer Osman
It has been proposed that the current design of in-vehicle displays may not be appropriate for the older driver. This paper describes an empirical, road-based investigation of the benefits to older and younger drivers of providing landmarks within the instructions presented by an in-vehicle navigation system. Thirty two participants navigated a challenging urban route using either landmarks or distance information to identify the location of forthcoming manoeuvres. A range of driver behaviour measures were collected, including visual glance data, driving errors, driver workload, navigation errors, navigation confidence, and pre and post-trial driver attitudinal responses. Results show that, for older and younger drivers, landmarks reduced the time spent glancing to a visual display, reduced navigation and driving errors, and influenced driver confidence. There were some key differences between the older and younger drivers. The wider implications for the design of in-car interfaces for the older driver are discussed.



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MAY, A., ROSS, T. and OSMAN, Z., 2005. The design of next generation in-vehicle navigation systems for the older driver. Interacting with computers, 17(6), pp.643-659


© Elsevier

Publication date



This article was published in the journal, Interacting with Computers [© Elsevier]. The definitive version is available at: www.elsevier.com/locate/intcom




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