The journey from educational research to classroom practice
We consider what is known about the potential internal processes involved when educators come to use research findings in their classroom practice. We undertook a conceptual review drawing on a range of disciplines, with findings ultimately categorised under 6 phases regarding research uptake and implementation. This categorisation provides a structure for acquiring explanatory insight into different approaches to fostering research utilisation. Findings are summarised in the form of questions to prompt reflection by educators and researchers on each phase when planning to bridge the research-practice gap. Illustrative examples are provided of how these questions might offer insight into the success or otherwise of such ventures. Areas are highlighted where further research would strengthen and develop current understanding of the processes involved in educators’ utilization of research.
- Science
- Mathematics Education Centre
Published in
Journal of Education for TeachingPublisher
Informa UKVersion
- VoR (Version of Record)
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2024-09-30Publication date
2024-11-28Copyright date
1360-0540Publisher version
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