Wearable motion sensors consisting of accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetic sensors are readily available nowadays. The small size and low production costs of motion sensors make them a very good tool for human motions analysis. However, data processing and accuracy of the collected data are important issues for research purposes. In this paper, we aim to review the literature related to usage of inertial sensors in human lower limb biomechanics studies. A systematic search was done in the following search engines: ISI Web of Knowledge, Medline, SportDiscus and IEEE Xplore. Thirty nine full papers and conference abstracts with related topics were included in this review. The type of sensor involved, data collection methods, study design, validation methods and its applications were reviewed.
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Published in
Sensors (Switzerland)
11556 - 11565
FONG, D. and CHAN, Y., 2010. The use of wearable inertial motion sensors in human lower limb biomechanics studies: a systematic review. Sensors, 10 (12), pp.11556-11565.
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