Loughborough University

Time-Step Analysis of the DECC 2050 Calculator Pathways - data files

journal contribution
posted on 2017-03-16, 09:19 authored by John BartonJohn Barton, Murray ThomsonMurray Thomson, Eoghan McKenna

The DECC 2050 Calculator is an analysis of annual total energy use in the UK. File 'DECC Calculator Data Source' is a copy of version 3.4.6 of the published calculator. A further 10 Excel files are the FESA time-step analysis of the example low-carbon pathways, with their names. 'Results Summary3.xlsx' contains more graphs comparing pathways/scenarios. 'Figures For Paper v26.pptx' contains more graphs and diagrams. All these files relate to the paper with the same title and the same authors, published in the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, special issue on the Realising Transition Pathways project.

The software (the FESA analysis) is released under a GPL-3.0 licence but the other files are released under a CC-BY licence.


EPSRC: EP/K005316/1 and EP/K002228/1
