Loughborough University
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Twist limits for late twisting double somersaults on trampoline

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-07-27, 12:50 authored by Fred YeadonFred Yeadon, Michael HileyMichael Hiley
An angle-driven computer simulation model of aerial movement was used to determine the maximum amount of twist that could be produced in the second somersault of a double somersault on trampoline using asymmetrical movements of the arms and hips. Lower bounds were placed on the durations of arm and hip angle changes based on performances of a world trampoline champion whose inertia parameters were used in the simulations. The limiting movements were identified as the largest possible odd number of half twists for forward somersaulting takeoffs and even number of half twists for backward takeoffs. Simulations of these two limiting movements were found using simulated annealing optimisation to produce the required amounts of somersault, tilt and twist at landing after a flight time of 2.0 s. Additional optimisations were then run to seek solutions with the arms less adducted during the twisting phase. It was found that 3½ twists could be produced in the second somersault of a forward piked double somersault with arms abducted 8° from full adduction during the twisting phase and that three twists could be produced in the second somersault of a backward straight double somersault with arms fully adducted to the body. These two movements are at the limits of performance for elite trampolinists.



  • Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences

Published in

Journal of Biomechanics




174 - 178


YEADON, M.R. and HILEY, M.J., 2017. Twist limits for late twisting double somersaults on trampoline. Journal of Biomechanics, 58, pp. 174-178.


© Elsevier


  • AM (Accepted Manuscript)

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This paper was published in the journal Journal of Biomechanics and the definitive published version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiomech.2017.05.002.






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