posted on 2009-11-27, 16:27authored byClive Cheong Took, Saeid Sanei, Jonathon Chambers, Stephen Dunne
The underdetermined blind source separation problem using
a filtering approach is addressed. An extension of the FastICA algorithm
is devised which exploits the disparity in the kurtoses of the underlying
sources to estimate the mixing matrix and thereafter achieves source recovery
by employing the 1-norm algorithm. Besides, we demonstrate how
promising FastICA can be to extract the sources. Furthermore, we illustrate
how this scenario is particularly appropriate for the separation of
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) sounds.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
TOOK, C.C. ... et al., 2006. Underdetermined blind source separation of temporomandibular joint sounds. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 53(10), pp. 2123-2126.