A nonerasing morphism σ is said to be weakly unambiguous with respect to a word s if σ is
the only nonerasing morphism that can map s to σ(s), i. e., there does not exist any other
nonerasing morphism τ satisfying τ(s) = σ(s). In the present paper, we wish to characterise
those words with respect to which there exists such a morphism. This question is nontrivial
if we consider so-called length-increasing morphisms, which map a word to an image that is
strictly longer than the word. Our main result is a compact characterisation that holds for
all morphisms with ternary or larger target alphabets. We also comprehensively describe
those words that have a weakly unambiguous length-increasing morphism with a unary
target alphabet, but we have to leave the problem open for binary alphabets, where we can
merely give some non-characteristic conditions.
Computer Science
FREYDENBERGER, D.D., NEVISI, H. and REIDENBACH, D., 2012. Weakly unambiguous morphisms. Theoretical Computer Science, 448, pp. 21-40.
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