Loughborough University

Tee-connector (SHELL)

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posted on 2020-08-06, 12:55 authored by Adam Price, Rob Lee, Andrew CapelAndrew Capel, Steven ChristieSteven Christie
1/4-28" (UNF) flat bottom, female threaded tee-connector shell with internal core void.

The part is to be used as the rigid threaded housing for the channeled core of a tee-connector. The combined Core-shell structure is to be used for unifying three separate lines of tubing (two inlets into one outlet) via three feruled male threaded nuts. (see 'Tee-connector (CORE)' for core counterpart).

Part is to be printed in PLA in a horizontal orientation such that all threaded extrusions are visible and facing outward. A 0.1mm layer height and 100% infill is required. The part can be impregnated with its PP core structure by loading both core and shell components into the slicing software, and positioning the core at coordinates X:0, Y:0, Z:1.5. and the shell at X:0, Y:0, Z:0 (ensure all core O-rings are aligned with the shell female threads, rotate the core structure along the Z axis accordingly to achieve this). Once grouped (by selecting both parts, right clicking and selecting 'Group Models'), the part should be raised 10mm above the build plate and a PLA support scaffold should be generated along with a 10mm PLA adhesion brim.


Loughborough University



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