An approach to costing of road crash injury has been developed using data from a ‘Willingness-to-pay’ survey mapped to injuries listed in the Abbreviated Injury Scale 1998 Revision. The costs derived have been applied to a database of real-world crash injuries that have been collected as part of the UK Co-operative Crash Injury Study (CCIS). The approach has been developed in order to determine future research priorities in vehicle passive safety. When all injuries in all crash-types are examined, the results highlight the cost of ‘Whiplash’ in the UK. When more serious injuries are considered, specifically those at AIS 2+, the cost of head injuries becomes evident in both frontal and side impacts.
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MORRIS et al, 2006. An approach to the derivation of the cost of UK vehicle crash injuries. IN: Proceedings of 50th Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 16-18 October, Chicago