An approach for the reliability analysis of systems with on
demand, and dynamic failure modes is presented. Safety
systems such as sprinkler systems, or other protection systems
are characterized by such failure behavior. They have support
subsystems to start up the system on demand, and once they
start running, they are prone to dynamic failure. Failure on
demand requires an availability analysis of components
(typically electromechanical components) which are required
to start or support the safety system. Once the safety system
is started, it is often reasonable to assume that these support
components do not fail while running. Further, these support
components may be tested and maintained periodically while
not in active use. Dynamic failure refers to the failure while
running (once started) of the active components of the safety
system. These active components may be fault tolerant and
utilize spares or other forms of redundancy, but are not
maintainable while in use. In this paper we describe a simple
yet powerful approach to combining the availability analysis
of the static components with a reliability analysis of the
dynamic components. This approach is explained using a
hypothetical example sprinkler system, and applied to a water
deluge system taken from the offshore industry. The
approach is implemented in the fault tree analysis software
package, Galileo
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
MESHKAT, L., DUGAN, J.B. and ANDREWS, J.D., 2000. Analysis of safety systems with on-demand and dynamic failure modes. IN: Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainablity Symposium, Los Angeles, 24th-27th January, pp. 14-22 [DOI:10.1109/RAMS.2000.816277]