The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 contains provisions for land
based transport which gives powers to make accessibility
regulations. The Public Service Vehicle Accessibility Regulations
SI 2000 No.1970 apply to new buses over 22 passengers, first
used on or after 31 December 2000, used to operate local or
scheduled services. The Regulations have requirements for the
location and size of route number and destination displays, but are
silent on other aspects of destination/route displays.
International bus construction regulations (UN/ECE and EC Bus
Directive) do not contain any requirements for route and
destination displays.
This contract will be used to inform policy decisions on the
appropriate requirements for the display of route and destination
information systems on buses and coaches. The output may be
used to introduce guidance or regulations on this subject to ensure
that passenger information of this type is produced to an
appropriate and consistent high standard.
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This is an Official Report prepared for the Department for Transport.