Gilbert Ryle (1949) divided knowledge into “know that” and
“know how”, which is neatly appealing to many Design &
Technology educators, and like many writers on developing the
curriculum, Kahney (1993) made a distinction between
declarative knowledge:
"verbal knowledge, that is, the kind you get from books,
instructions and being told what to do."
and procedural knowledge:
“In order to achieve skilled performance you need to be
able to translate declarative knowledge into actions. A new
form of representation, known as procedural knowledge
must be established.”
However, a curriculum that consists simply of information and
techniques not only fails to reflect the original intentions of the
members of the working party for the creation of the National
Curriculum for Design & Technology (1988) but also misses
the mark in terms of developing creative and inventive minds.
Evidence from cognitive archaeology (e.g. Renfrew, 1994) also
suggests that the symbiotic relationship between mind and
hand that typifies technological action and innovation was a
primary driver within human evolution. Thus designing
technology is one of the defining characteristics of our species.
Technology education, therefore, should not be seen simply
from an instrumentalist viewpoint as a preparation for the
world of work but as a preparation for full functionality in
human society.
The contention within this paper is that if we fill up our
curriculum with declarative and procedural knowledge, without
acknowledging and encouraging the unique response or the
innovative idea, then we will have designed a curriculum that,
however hard we try, we will never really succeed in “making it
work” for many of our most creative pupils.
Research Unit
D&T Association Conference Series
HOPE, G., 2008. Beyond knowing how to make it work: the conceptual foundations of designing. IN: Norman, E.W.L. and Spendlove, D. (eds.). The Design and Technology Association International Research Conference, [Loughborough University, 2-4 July]. Wellesbourne : The Design and Technology Association, pp. 11-17.