British Education Research and its Quality
Data and analysis files associated with the article "British Education Research and its Quality".
REF2021_Composition35.csv gives output-level data for REF2021. Specifically, the topic weightings associated with each English-language journal article submitted to the education panel in REF2021. The first 37 columns are those provided by the REF submission (Institution name, Output type, Title, etc). The last 35 columns (AO to BW), headed "T1 - Communication and Interaction" to "T35 - Reading" show the proportion of words from each of the 35 topics in the given article (excluding stop words).
REF2021_UnitResults35.csv gives unit-level data for REF2021. Specifically, the topic weightings associated with each unit's "composite mean paper". The first 18 columns are those provided in the REF results (Institution name, FTE of submission, 4*, 3* etc). Outputs GPA was calculated from these in the normal way. Columns U to BC show the topic weightings of the composite mean paper for each unit. Columns BD to CK give the predictors for the compositional regression, as described in the paper. Topic 3 was the chosen denominator for this. (So Column BD is calculated as log_2(T1/T3) and so on.)
REF2014_Composition35.csv is the equivalent output-level datafile for REF2014.
REF2014_UnitResults35.csv is the equivalent unit-level datafile for REF2014.
REF2021. REF2021_Compositional_Regression.omv is the Jamovi file used to calculate the compositional regression.
REF2021_Compositional_Regression.html is an html version of the Jamovi output.
MALLETcommands gives the commands required to reproduce our analysis (unfortunately for copyright reasons we are unable to share the underlying text of the research articles listed in the composition file).