posted on 2007-01-04, 14:29authored bySophie Hide, Sarah Atkinson, Trevor C. Pavitt, Roger Haslam, Alistair Gibb, Diane GyiDiane Gyi
Although the British construction industry is one of the safest in Europe, one third of all work
fatalities happen in construction and construction workers are six times more likely to be killed
at work than employees in other sectors. A similar situation exists for non-fatal accidents.
Although previous research has led to a good understanding of the extent and pattern of
accidents in the construction industry, there has been only limited objective analysis of the full
range of contributory managerial, site and individual factors. With this background, the study
had the following aims:
1. To collect rich, detailed data on the full range of factors involved in a large sample of
construction accidents.
2. Using this information, to describe the processes of accident causation, including the
contribution of management, project, site and individual factors in construction industry
The research used a combination of focus groups and studies of individual accidents in pursuit
of these.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
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HIDE, S.A. et al, 2003. Causal factors in construction accidents. HSE research report 156. London : Health and Safety Executive