This paper investigates the implications of SAR
when using a symmetric head compared to a whole head.
The excitation is a vertically polarised plane wave
traveling from the front of the face to the back of the
head. The frequency range considered is 1.5 to 3.0GHz.
In general actual human heads are not symmetric. For
example one eye may be slightly higher than the other and
a nose maybe somewhat bent. Recently researchers also
have evidence of brain torque (i.e. rightward frontal and
leftward occipital asymmetry) in humans. In this FDTD
model the head is modeled as two identical mirrored
halves. By this method the field values need not be
calculated twice thereby reducing computation time and
memory requirements. Our results show whole head
versus mirrored head comparisons for the maximum 1 and
10g SAR in the head and gives particular attention to the
SAR in the eyes.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
WHITTOW and EDWARDS, 2004. Implications for SAR when using a symmetric phantom exposed to RF radiation using the FDTD method. IN: Technical Seminar on Antenna Measurements and SAR (AMS 2004), 1, Loughborough, UK, April 2004, pp. 67-70