Issues of learning and teaching mathematics for Ukrainian refugee students in UK schools: videos
The issue of learning and teaching mathematics to international students is familiar to UK secondary education. To date, several scientific studies have been implemented that consider various aspects of the specified issue at different levels:
· Professional – training of teachers to work with refugee students
· Environmental – creation of a friendly learning environment, including through support students for English language learning, trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the interaction of school and family
· Emotional and motivational – ensuring students' motivation through understanding the values of education
The issue of learning and teaching mathematics to Ukrainian refugees is new in modern pedagogical theory and practice. The identified studies mostly describe individual practices of teaching Ukrainian students in classes in different countries and do not relate to the problems of studying specific academic disciplines, for instance, mathematics. The scientific studies focus mainly on language issues that make learning challenging, psychological issues due to war, and integration issues that make it difficult for students to adapt to a new culture and society.
- Science
- Mathematics Education Centre