This paper presents a method for exploring the changes
occurring at the surfaces of solder particles during the reflow
soldering process. The method involves measuring changes in
electrical resistance of a sample of paste as a function of test
voltage. The results are used to estimate the size and nature of
electrical contact spots between the particles, and how these
depend on temperature and time. The activation energy of the
process responsible for increasing the size of contact spots is
deduced for RA and RMA type fluxes and it is shown that
sintering is not the dominant mechanism for increasing contact
size. These results, together with a programme of CFD studies
are expected to help improve solder paste formulations.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
MANNAN, al., 2000. Observations of solder paste reflow by means of electrical measurements. IN: International Symposium on Electronic Materials and Packaging, (EMAP 2000), 30 Nov.-2 Dec., Hong Kong, pp. 175-180.
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