This paper describes the opportunities for location aware
computing to enhance information capture and use within the
construction industry. The construction industry is characterized
as being slow to take up innovative mobile ICT, despite the highly
mobile workforce who must collaborate with a range of on and
off-site personnel, and make use of large volumes of information.
Based on fieldwork and workshop activities within COMIT (a
large-scale mobile IT project within the construction industry), the
information used within two key business processes – health and
safety audits, and site design problem resolution – is outlined, and
the opportunities for support by location aware computing
discussed. Some potential challenges are also identified, as is the
need to understand how to provide real value (as opposed to just
information) to the end user.
MAY, A. et al (2005). Opportunities and challenges for location aware computing in the construction industry. IN: Tscheligi, M., Bernhaupt, R. and Mihalic, K. (eds.). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. New York, NY : The Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 255-258.