posted on 2008-08-05, 15:01authored byP. John Williams
This research measured qualitative and quantitative outcomes
for students involved in a university based Engineering course
of study. Ten Year 11 students studied with third year design
and technology teacher trainees who engaged in the course
through planning and content delivery, and worked with the
students on a robotics design project.
The research documented the procedures followed in the
project, and the qualitative and quantitative outcomes for
students from both the high school and the university.
The hypothesis which underpins this research is that this
project is advantageous to both high school students in terms
• the development of their engineering knowledge,
• achievement of outcomes, and
• career awareness;
and university students in terms of
• preparation and delivery of theoretical knowledge,
• curriculum understanding,
• student management, and
• pedagogical technique development.
The research questions that were considered in the project
a. What are the advantages to high school students of
participating in a university based course?
b. What are the advantages to teacher trainees of
working with high school students in the delivery of a
unit of study?
c. What are the impediments to the provision of
integrated educational activity between a university and
high school?
The following methods were used to collect the data:
• University student focus group.
• High school student focus group.
• Student records.
• Pre and post treatment surveys
The following data was collected:
• High school student levels of achievement before and
after treatment.
• University and high school studens’ evaluations before
and after the treatment.
• University students unit grades and course averages.
Research Unit
D&T Association Conference Series
WILLIAMS, P.J., 2008. Outcomes of students’ participation in university based courses. IN: Norman, E.W.L. and Spendlove, D. (eds.). The Design and Technology Association International Research Conference, [Loughborough University, 2-4 July]. Wellesbourne : The Design and Technology Association