posted on 2008-11-13, 15:08authored byDavid Whalley
Established models of temperature development during reflow soldering have used general purpose,
finite difference (FD) or computational fluid dynamics modelling tools to create detailed
representations of both the product and the reflow furnace. Such models have been shown to
achieve a high degree of accuracy, but are complex to generate and analysis times are long. With
the move to adopt lead free soldering technology, and the consequently higher reflow process temperatures,
optimisation of the reflow profile will gain a renewed emphasis. This paper will report
a model of the process which uses simplified representations of both the product and the process
which achieves an accuracy comparable with more detailed models. In order to establish an accurate
representation of the specific reflow furnace being simulated, a reflow logger is used to make
measurements of the temperature and level of thermal convection at each point along the length of
the furnace for a small number of carefully chosen reflow profiles. The behaviour for any other reflow
profile may then be extrapolated from these measurements.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
WHALLEY, D.C., 2002. Reflow soldering process simulation: a simplified model. IN: 25th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, May 11 – 14, Prague, pp. 323-328
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