Loughborough University

Supporting methods and analysis for the journal paper "Quantifying the Spatial Variation of the Energy Performance Gap for the Existing Housing Stock in England and Wales"

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posted on 2024-10-30, 10:31 authored by Steven FirthSteven Firth, David AllinsonDavid Allinson, Stephen WatsonStephen Watson

This Figshare data item contains the supporting data, methods and analysis for the journal paper "Quantifying the Spatial Variation of the Energy Performance Gap for the Existing Housing Stock in England and Wales", published in the Journal of Building Performance Simulation on the 26th August 2024 and available here: https://doi.org/10.1080/19401493.2024.2380309.

To view this supporting material please download the ZIP file associated with this Figshare data item.

The contents of the ZIP file include:

  • A readme.txt file which contains instructions for recreating the analysis of the journal paper.
  • The LaTeX file which was used to create the pre-publication version of the journal paper.
  • A series of Jupyter Notebooks with Python code which clean and process the data.
  • A series of Jupyter Notebooks with Python code which generate the figures and tables for the journal paper.


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