This paper investigates the effects of metallic jewellery on the
SAR in the human head. A CW dipole is placed in front of the
head to represent a mobile enabled personal data assistant.
The FDTD method has been used to simulate an eyebrow ring
near a homogeneous SAM phantom at 1.8GHz.
Measurements were made on the Loughborough SAM head
with the DASY4 measurement system. Simulations were also
made with eyebrow rings on the surface of the skin and
pierced through the eyebrow of a heterogeneous anatomically
realistic human head. Common sizes of eyebrow ring and
eyebrow stud have been considered over the frequency range
0.6 to 4.6GHz. Jewellery which was small compared to a
wavelength had little effect on the SAR in the head.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
WHITTOW, W.G. ... et al, 2007. The SAR effects of popular jewellery on the human head. IN: Second European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2007), Edinburgh, UK