This paper introduces the concept of ‘technicity’, a
term borrowed from philosophy but recast in an
Darwinian mould. Firstly, however, the presumption
that language is THE unique and pre-eminent
human trait is put to the adaptationist test. Evidence
from palaeontology, primate studies and
evolutionary psychology is brought together to
(tentatively) suggest that language (speech) has a
deep evolutionary past and that all members of the
genus Homo possessed speech in some form. The
second section marshals evidence that suggests our
species possesses a new ‘making things’
adaptation. This adaptation appears to be the basis
for the speciation event that defines behaviourally
modern humans: our species. This is the capability
for which the term ‘technicity’ is appropriated. The
argument for splitting off language from technicity
uses the concept of the extended phenotype.
Technicity might best be characterised by a creative
capacity to:
a) deconstruct and reconstruct nature, and
b) communicate by drawing.
The notion is floated that the newly evolved
adaptation discretely insinuated itself into extant
human culture; followed by brief consideration of the
role of drawing, in the form of writing, on the
precision and power of linguistic expression. It is
suggested that technicity might usefully be
considered the source of our intellect and language
its whetstone. If further studies support the technicity
hypothesis then reappraisal of conceptual
framework underpinning the educational curriculum
might be of benefit: a technology of language rather
than the language of technology.