Loughborough University

The transfer of Design and Technology (D&T) to the United States: a case study

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posted on 2008-02-11, 17:12 authored by Ronald Todd, Patricia Hutchinson
This paper reports the intent, progress, and initial results in the transfer of elementary design and technology classroom practice in the United Kingdom to classrooms in the United States Referenced are three reported projects funded by the National Science Foundation that were intended to improve student performance in science and mathematics. The projects included two material development efforts, and a teacher in-service training initiative. Data was collected from three, selected demonstration sites – one each from rural, urban and suburban settings – that tested students, who had been introduced to design and technology. All three schools conducted performance testing of third-grade students (age 10). The analysis and observations provide indications regarding the effectiveness of the projects in preparing teachers and in helping students improve performance in science and math. Although the observations must be seen as tentative, the results suggest that design and technology might play an important supportive role in improving instruction and performance in elementary schools in the United States, and that the transfer effort is well worth pursuing.



  • Design

Research Unit

  • D&T Association Conference Series


TODD, R. and HUTCHINSON, P., 2000. The transfer of Design and Technology (D&T) to the United States : a case study. IN: Kimbell, R. (ed.). Design and Technology International Millennium Conference. Wellesbourne : The D&T Association, pp. 215-222



Publication date



This is a conference paper




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