Loughborough University

The tree

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Version 4 2024-07-09, 13:35
Version 3 2024-07-08, 15:38
Version 2 2024-07-01, 06:58
Version 1 2024-04-19, 15:08
physical object
posted on 2024-07-09, 13:35 authored by Jessica Noske-TurnerJessica Noske-Turner

Our organisation is like a tree. When it’s sunny you need to find shelter in a tree, when you’re tired of everything you can find a tree. This is a place where you can share ideas, find shelter, protection, finding hope, reassurance that it’s ok to be in that situation but you can still find a way to move ahead. The leaves are ideas.

This object is part of the Metaphors for Un/Making CSC Collection.

Created in Zomba, Malawi, 2023


Un/Making CSC: A critical engagement with Communication for Social 'Changemaking'

Arts and Humanities Research Council

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  • Loughborough University, London


  • Communication and Media

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