In many oceanic situations, clouds, or layers of bubbles are present which may influence
the larger-scale dynamics. A two-dimensional model of a diluted locally monodisperse
mixture of an incompressible fluid with gas bubbles is used to model and study such
situations. The problem is simplified by ignoring the horizontal variability in the structure
of the bubble layer and by focusing instead on the vertical variability. We consider waves
propagating horizontally in the oceanic waveguide, assuming that bubbles are confined
to a thin upper layer of the otherwise homogeneous upper ocean, and using a three layer
model to represent this situation. The presence of the depth-dependent distribution of
bubbles introduces an effective stratification and considerably changes the value of the
buoyancy frequency Nl in the absence of bubbles, replacing it with an effective value N,
where N2 = N2
l +g g0 [(ln n0)z + 3 g0(lnR0)z] /(1− g0) (here g0 is the void fraction, n0
is the number density, and R0 is the radius of bubbles in the basic state). This leads to the
possibility of existence of the internal waves in the otherwise homogeneous upper mixed
layer. Also the presence of the bubbly layer causes significant changes to the dispersion
relation for the usual internal waves.
Mathematical Sciences
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Publication date
This pre-print has been submitted, and accepted, to the journal, Deep Sea Research Part II - Topical Studies in Oceanography. The definitive version: GRIMSHAW, R.H.J. and KHUSNUTDINOVA, K.R.,2004. Internal waves in a three-layer bubbly waveguide. Deep Sea Research Part II - Topical Studies in Oceanography 51(25-26), pp.2905-2917.