This report calculates how much it costs
for people to live at a minimum acceptable
standard in remote rural Scotland. It builds
on research elsewhere in the UK on the
Minimum Income Standard (MIS), which is
based on the minimum budgets required by
various types of household. The research
involves detailed discussions with members
of the public about what should go into
a minimum household ‘basket’ of goods
and services, supported where relevant by
expert knowledge, for example, on nutritional
and heating standards.
The research considered living costs in
remote rural Scotland in the context of
the fragility and sustainability of local
communities and the ability of pensioners,
working-age adults and families with
children, on a range of incomes, to live
satisfactory lives there.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Research Unit
Centre for Research in Social Policy (CRSP)
HIRSCH, D. ... et al, 2013. A minimum income standard for remote and rural Scotland. Inverness: Highlands and Islands Enterprise.