posted on 2009-03-18, 13:42authored byGeorge Yannis, Petros Evgenikos, Antonis Chaziris, Jeremy Broughton, Brian Lawton, Louise Walter, Stefan Hoeglinger, Thomas Leitner, Andrea Angermann, Niels Bos, Stig Hemdorff, Peter Hollo, Jan Tecl, Lucy Rackliff, Jaime Sanmartin, Jean-Francois Pace
An important objective within SafetyNet WP1 is to improve the compatibility of
road accident data throughout Europe. Currently, the CARE database contains
a large number of road accident variables in disaggregate form, but it is
acknowledged that more variables and values are necessary to better describe
and analyse the road accident phenomenon at EU level. Additionally, due to
differences in the collected data variables and values, their definitions, the
differences of the accident data collection forms structures and the relevant data
formats among the existing national databases, both accident data quality and
availability are affected. Moreover, many data variables included in CARE lack
reliability as the data are in many cases incomplete (few countries available or
incomplete time series). Therefore the need for a common accident framework
which would significantly enhance the CARE database with new and more
compatible among the EU countries data and would allow for a comprehensive set
of end products from all EU-27 member states to be progressively produced is
considered essential. After elaborating this Common Accident Data Set, every EU
country that wishes to update its data collection system could optionally and
gradually adopt this proposed common data set.
YANNIS, G. ... et al., 2008. Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. D.1.14 CADaS - The common accident data set.
European Commission, Directorate-General Transport and Energy