Loughborough University

Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable 2.3 Risk exposure data common framework

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posted on 2009-06-09, 13:47 authored by George Yannis, Eleonora Papadimitriou, Antonis Chaziris, Gilles Duchamp, Philippe Lejeune, Vincent Treny, Stig Hemdorff, Mouloud Haddak, Erik Lenguerrand, Peter Hollo, Miklos Gabor, Maria Cseffalvay, Thomas Leitner, Andrea Angermann, Stefan Hoeglinger, Joao Cardoso, Frits Bijleveld, Sjoerd Houwing, Torkel Bjornskau, Lucy Rackliff
This document consists of four parts. Chapter 1 summarizes the methods and results of previous activities of SafetyNet WP2 (first classification of the EU Member States with respect to risk exposure data availability and compatibility, based on a state-of-the-art survey) and outlines the further steps required for a full assessment of risk exposure data compatibility towards a common framework for accident risk analysis in Europe. Moreover, it is devoted to a description of the methodology used for the detailed assessment of risk exposure data (RED) availability and comparability in the EU, in terms of variables and values, collection methodologies and data structure. Chapter 2 concerns an analysis of the Risk Exposure Data (RED) needs in the EU, as stated by National Experts of many Member States. The analysis allows for the identification of the indicators, variables and values that are most important to road safety researchers in the EU. This analysis is used as a reference for the development of the common framework of Risk Exposure Data. The results of this analysis allow for the identification of comparable variables and values per collection method for each indicator. The synthesis is included in Chapter 3 of this document. More specifically, for each indicator and for each collection method of that indicator, variables, values and definitions are compared among EU countries. Within this framework, summary tables are presented and transformation rules are proposed, where possible, for the improvement of the comparability of Risk Exposure Data. From this process the current common RED framework is identified, for analyses using the CARE data, together with a set of comparable exposure data. These comparable sets of exposure data are summarized in Chapter 4 of this document. Moreover, these results are combined with those of the analysis of the RED needs, allowing for an overall picture with respect to the current and future potential of RED in the EU. The detailed tables from the analysis of compatibility per indicator and per country are presented in Annex II.



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YANNIS, G. ... et al, 2008. Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable 2.3 Risk exposure data common framework


European Commission, Directorate-General Transport and Energy


  • VoR (Version of Record)

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