SafetyNet work package 5 (WP5), in the creation of two in-depth European
accident databases, has produced a comprehensive database glossary to help
inform both those directly involved in the work package and those who will use
the final data and analysis results. The final version of the glossary can be
regarded as a repository of information generated during the completion of the
task and as such combines to provide a ‘Manual’ for the data collection and
data use within the work package and externally. Information contained within
the glossary extends from the early development stages of the task to the final
review, a duration of approximately 4.5 years.
The complete glossary has been designed to provide all the information
relevant for a thorough understanding of the SafetyNet WP5 task. This
information can be used in a number of ways as the complete document
combines to produce a manual for data input (also referred to as ‘coding’), data
analysis and the understanding of any analysis by external parties
The SafetyNet WP5 glossary provides information in 6 key areas, all of which
build into a complete picture of the WP5 project as a whole, the 6 key areas in
turn provide information on glossary use, data Limitations and restrictions, the
data variables, accident classification system (GDV), SafetyNet accident
causation system (SNACS) and Database usage
The glossary is intended to be used as complete reference material covering all
of the aspects listed in the previous paragraph. As such the glossary should be
used as a guide to understanding the task and any analysis derived from the
WP5 data. The glossary however, is not a specific tool for conducting full
analysis as only illustrative details of data limitation and restrictions are
included. These will be discussed in more detail and should be fully understood
before work is undertaken as misuse could lead to misinterpretation of any
REED, S. and MORRIS, A., 2008. Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable 5.5, Glossary of data variables for fatal and accident causation databases
European Commission, Directorate-General Transport and Energy