Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable 5.7 Fatal accident database development and analysis - final report. Appendix 2 - analysis of accidents involving pedestrians
Pedestrian fatalities account for the largest group of non-motorised vulnerable
road users within the SafetyNet work package 5 (WP5) dataset and the third
largest fatality group behind passenger car occupants and motorcycle/moped
riders. As such pedestrians are an important road user group to understand.
Data is recorded for pedestrians across the four levels (accident, Vehicle,
Roadway and Road user) of the SafetyNet WP5 database and these combine
to provide a complete overview of the types of accident experienced, the
collision partners involved, the accident locality and relevant environmental
conditions and any pertinent details of the pedestrian themselves including
injury information.
Data used in this section combines to provide a descriptive overview of the
pedestrian situation seen across the 7 European member states involved in
WP5 (France, Finland, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Italy and the
United Kingdom) from the years 2003 to 2004.
Results are split between an overview in the form of a basic fact sheet and a
more in-depth analysis of fatal pedestrian accidents.
The basic fact sheet is based on work completed by work package1 of
SafetyNet and published on the ERSO website ( This analysis
can be used as stand alone results for WP5 in addition to a comparison
between a European fatal accident dataset and the Europe wide CARE data
collection system. However no direct comparisons should be drawn before both
the WP5 dataset and the CARE system are fully understood to avoid
misinterpretation of results.
In-depth analysis includes information on pedestrian characteristics, The
environment which surrounds the accident scenes, roadway characteristics,
Collision partners and the categorisation of pedestrian accident types.
The variables used in the analysis are all evident from the tables and figures.
Additional information on each is available in a separate deliverable (D5.5, A
glossary of the data variables collected in both task 5.1 and 5.2, SafetyNet 2008)
REED, S. and WELSH, R., 2009. Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable 5.7 Fatal accident database development and analysis - final report. Appendix 2 - analysis of accidents involving pedestrians
European Commission, Directorate-General Transport and Energy