posted on 2022-12-21, 09:54authored byMichael Fitzharris, Tandy Pok Arundell, Bruce Corben, Michael Lenne, Sara Lui, Sujanie Peiris, Amanda Stephens, Diane Bowman, Andrew MorrisAndrew Morris, Claes Tingvall
This report identifies interventions and actions aimed at reducing the incidence of serious injury sustained in crashes in Victoria. Interventions are focussed on short-to-medium term actions, as well as setting a path towards the longer-term vision of creating an inherently safe road transport system. Countermeasures are presented across the phases of the crash, from before a driver enters a vehicle through to recovery from injuries sustained in the crash. This analysis highlights where, and by what means, reductions in serious injury can be achieved.
Commissioned by: Transport Accident Commission
Design and Creative Arts
1 - 146
Fitzharris MP, Pok Arundell T, Corben B, Lenné MG, Liu S, Peiris S, Stephens A, Bowman DM, Morris A, Tingvall C. Identification of countermeasures to address serious injury crashes, ECIS Report 4. Monash University Accident Research Centre, Report 346; Clayton; 2022.