Loughborough University

Evaluation plan

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posted on 2012-01-31, 14:45 authored by Stig E.R. Franzen, Petri Mononen, Andrew MorrisAndrew Morris, Katia D. Pagle, Roberto Montanari
The overall objectives of TeleFOT are to assess the impacts of aftermarket and nomadic devices used in vehicles for driver support and to raise the awareness of the functions and potential that these devices offer. This report starts from the scientific and technological objectives that will make these overall objectives more concrete. They are 1. Build, mobilise and integrate European test communities for long term testing and assessment of driver support functions through aftermarket and nomadic devices 2. Create a methodological framework for executing the tests and analysing the data 3. Study aftermarket and nomadic devices in different technical contexts 4. Study different levels of impacts on drivers and society 5. Focus on functions and services for safe, efficient and economical travel 6. Investigate the contents of functions provided for cooperative driver support 7. Develop effective procedures of enhancing awareness and take-up of driver support ICT systems among the public 8. Focus also on aspects in the use of aftermarket and nomadic devices that may decrease safety TeleFOT is supposed adopt the approach of Field Operational Test (FOT). When going into the actual work in TeleFOT, as laid out in the DoW, it was seen as a useful step to make use of the structure of the deliverable D2.2.1 Testing and Evaluation strategy I, based on the FESTA FOT Chain (from the FESTA Handbook). This was done in order to identify what findings in the TeleFOT project (so far) has a unique and from the FESTA Handbook deviating approach. The intention has been to highlight these deviations (or improvements) in order to widen the potential use of the FOT methodology in the future. This IP-level deliverable is therefore focused on what constitutes the unique features of TeleFOT that could have an impact also on a more general level. This is especially important as new FOTs are planned in the area “cooperative driving”. Most of the TeleFOT deliverables until today have been consulted including the first series of deliverables addressing the Data Analysis Plans for all the impact areas to be covered by TeleFOT; they are Efficiency, Environment, Mobility, Safety and User Uptake. It is concluded that the first of the overall objectives has been met to quite a high degree, even if there still are some important steps that must be finished. The second overall objective is not yet addressed in a systematic way. However, there are WPs in the TeleFOT DoW that are supposed to cover these aspects in the last part of the project.


Project co-funded by the European Commission



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FRANZEN, S.E.R. ... et al., 2011. Evaluation plan (D1.7)


© TeleFOT


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TeleFOT is a Large Scale Collaborative Project under the Seventh Framework Programme, co-funded by the European Commission DG Information Society and Media within the strategic objective “ICT for Cooperative Systems”: http://www.telefot.eu/


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