The UDRIVE project aims to colle
ct on the region of 100,000 hours of naturalistic driving data in order to
support the analysis related to
o Crash causation, crash risk and normal driving
o Distraction and inattention
o Vulnerable road users
o Driving styles related to eco-driving
This document contains information relevant to data quality assurance for the UDRIVE project. Good quality data is a fundamental requirement for good quality analysis and data quality should be considered at all
stages of the data processing chain:
o Data Acquisition System Installation
o During data collection
o Database management
• Data preprocessing
• Data post-processing
In order to deliver high quality data as an outcome from the UDRIVE project actions have been undertaken at each stage of the chain, following generic guidelines for data quality.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 605170.
WELSH, R. al., 2017. Guidelines for data quality assurance UDRIVE deliverable D22.1. EU FP7 Project UDRIVE Consortium.
EU FP7 Project UDRIVE Consortium
VoR (Version of Record)
Publisher statement
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