Loughborough University

Its time to act: understanding and assessing agility in information systems development

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posted on 2017-02-24, 14:25 authored by Patrick Stacey
This paper focuses on addressing the question of how agile are agile methods. To do this I synthesize seven general features of agility, drawing on management and sociology disciplines, into a framework, to act as a ‘gold standard’ by which to compare agile methods. I found that agile methods did not entirely measure up to this framework and that they were lacking in terms of (i) survival, (ii) prospering or thriving on change, and (iii) being able to regulate and leverage emotions in action responses to change. This paper offers: (i) a framework for assessing agility in software development, (ii) the elucidation of a knowledge gap in agile methods with respect to emotion, and, (iii) a conceptualization that reveals the need to incorporate emotional regulation and leverage into assessments of agility.



  • Business and Economics


  • Business


STACEY, P.K., 2014. Its time to act: understanding and assessing agility in information systems development. Lancaster University Management School, Working Paper 2014:7


Lancaster University Management School (© Dr. Patrick K Stacey)


  • AM (Accepted Manuscript)

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This Working Paper is © Dr. Patrick K Stacey. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission, provided that full acknowledgment is given.


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