Within European countries and the European Union, there is wide recognition that special consideration must be given to the needs of both people with disabilities and to young people. In terms of ergonomics design, consideration needs to be given to access to public buildings, safety in the home, school buildings and educational services, ability to make use of public transport, etc. This research focused on children who also have disabilities, an area that is less well understood and where it is uncertain whether standards or legislation exist. Interviews and discussions with experts were conducted to locate knowledge about design for disabled children in different contexts. This document reports the results of the research sponsored by ANEC (www.anec.org). The study identified relevant standards, legislation or guidelines within Europe and outside which could potentially be employed by the standards bodies within the European Union and promulgated more widely. The report also showed that there are gaps in knowledge indicating a requirement for further research to be carried out to generate suitable guidelines for standards bodies to consider.
MAGUIRE, M.C., NICOLLE, C.A. and GALLEY, M.E., 2007. Review of state of knowledge regarding the safety, access and usability needs of children with disabilities. ANEC R&T Project 2006 (ANEC-ML; 2006-066). Loughborough: Ergonomics & Safety Research Institute, Loughborough University.
Ergonomics & Safety Research Institute, Loughborough University
VoR (Version of Record)
Publisher statement
This work is made available according to the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence. Full details of this licence are available at: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
Publication date
This is an official report. It was originally made available at: http://www.anec.eu/attachments/ANEC-R&T-2007-DFA-002.pdf