This thesis adopts a geoarchaeological approach to palaeoenvironmental research in
the Konya basin of South-Central Turkey. It involves the analysis of sediment
sequencesth rough cultural and alluvial depositsa crossa broad alluvial fan which has
developed on the southern edge of the basin since the beginning of the Holocene.
Sediments have been analysed by mineral magnetics, particle size, carbonate and
organic matter content, and grouping into lithological units has been aided by
statistical techniques including principal components analysis and discriminant
analysis. Resultso f the analysis have shown a complex sequenceo f deposition across
the alluvial fan throughout the Holocene, and within the sequences a number of
archaeological sites ranging in date from the Early Neolithic to the Byzantine periods
have been identified as being established on various land surfaces.
During the early to mid Holocene, the predominant alluvial deposit across the fan was
a fine-grained, heavy backswamp clay, deposition of which was time transgressive,
i. e. area of deposition changed over this period as the course of the depositing river
migrated laterally, and up/down fan.
Evidence from the largest and earliest site studied, I; atalh6yiik, where archaeological
excavation has recently recommenced, shows that the site was established during the
Early Neolithic in an actively flooding alluvial environment. This has implications,
not only for the populations inhabiting the site, but also for the wider reasoning
behind the establishment of early agricultural settlements in the Near East. Other sites
in the area up to the Early Bronze Age have also been seen to have been established in
actively depositing alluvial settings.
Shortly before c. 4000 BP there was a permanent change in the nature of alluvial
deposition, with the heavy backswamp clay being replaced by a less fine-grained
deposit of different origin. This initial change was concurrent with an apparent
depopulation of the alluvial fan and a relationship between the two phenomena is
possible. More importantly, there appear to have been major population changes and
increased human influence on the environment of both the fan catchment and the
wider region subsequent to these phenomena. Such changes appear to have had a
long-term effect on the fan environment as the nature of the alluvial deposition
remained relatively unaltered between these events and intensive irrigation schemes
which restricted alluvial deposition in the early twentieth century.