Loughborough University

Airport noise control through land use regulation in the vicinity of airports : the case of Kimpo International Airport

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posted on 2012-10-03, 11:00 authored by Hyeog Y. Sim
The effect of airport noise on communities surrounding airports presents a serious problem for airport operations and expansion. In order to resolve this problem, many attempts have been made to control airport noise over recent years all over the world. Of these, land use regulation is an important method for controlling' the adverse impacts of airport noise on airport environs. The success of the prevention of noise sensitive development depends on effective land use planning and control. This study reviews effective noise control through land use regulation at Kimpo International Airport, Korea. For the purpose of a more precise understanding of the noise problem, a review of the various aspects and causes of aircraft noise, the way noise is measured, its effects on people, and the methods to alleviate the adverse impact of airport noise is presented. In addition to these, the characteristics of effective land use planning around an airport, available land use control measures, and the compatible land use planning system practised in the United States, the United Kingdom and Korea are reviewed. The role of Kimpo International Airport will change to the exclusive use for domestic flights. With the opening of the new intemational airport in 2001, the noise analysis shows a significant reduction in the noise impacted area at Kimpo Airport following this change in role, due to the decrease of the number of aircraft operations and the elimination of noisier aircraft, However, the pressure for development in less impacted areas may make the airport noise problem worse in the future. In order to prevent encroaching development in the vicinity of Kimpo Airport, the following conclusions are presented: - More objective and efficient standards for land use regulation are desirable. - Compatible land use planning through the co-operative efforts of each of the various parties involved is essential for the prevention of noise sensitive development. - Developing a community relations programme is useful for the resolution of airport noise problems and the restoration of a community's confidence. - Systematic selection of noise control measures and monitoring programmes are essential for the effective management of the noise environment.



  • Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering


  • Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering


© Hyeog Yun Sim

Publication date



A Master's Thesis. Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Philosophy of Loughborough University.


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