posted on 2011-08-04, 10:09authored byLouise Aikman
In a comparative analysis of three texts in which the narrators question and
revise the dominant cultural discourses of the countries in which they are
born, this thesis investigates contemporary women's autobiographical
negotiations with 'history' (a Foucauldian sense) and sexual, racial and
national identities. Concentrating on the works of Maxine Hong Kingston,
Jeanette Winterson and Audre Lorde, this dissertation is concerned with
the difficulty of theorising women's autobiography as a radical
imaginative space. Utilising the term the 'autobiographical novel', this
work traces how the authors' deployment of fantasy, myth and desire in
ways that are politically radical, destabilise conventional notions of the self
and hegemonic historical narratives. As such, this thesis develops a new
paradigm within which to explore autobiography. It utilises
poststructuralist theory, whilst confronting the paradox of how one argues
for the validity of identity within this framework.
Rethinking the relationship between autobiography and the 'indifferent'
subject position associated with poststructuralism, this thesis argues that
the relationship between black Women critics and deconstructionism offers
a path in which to subvert dominant paradigms of subjectivity, identity and
expression. By challenging the conventional distinctions between the
tenns 'writer', 'critic' and 'theorist', black writers create an
autobiographical space which challenges categories of the 'writing I'.
Experience and theory can, therefore, become conflated as the generic constraints of writing associated with the autobiographical self are
subvel1ed. Kingston, Winterson and Lorde, it is argued, problematise
cultural and representational hegemonies through their postmoden narratives. (Continues...).