Nanoceramic powders were produced via a plasma processing route by QinetiQ
Nanomaterials Ltd. The powders were characterised in terms of agglomerate size,
morphology, phase analysis and surface chemistry. The powders were made into
suspensions and the UV absorbency properties were investigated. It was found that the
mixtures produced different products depending on the concentration of titania in the
starting material. Powders containing less than 30% titania were solid mixtures of zinc
oxide and titania; these powders absorbed UV radiation as well and in some cases better
than the individual powders. The powders containing more than 30% titania were shown
to have titanium ions incorporated into the zinc oxide structure. This reduced the band
gap of the powder which meant that the powders did not absorb UV radiation.
For all the powders that absorbed UV radiation, it was found that particles around 100 nm
absorbed large amounts of UV radiation and did not interact with visible radiation,
producing a clear, transparent suspension which gives ideal characteristics for a
sunscreen formulation. The suspensions were found to absorb the most UV radiation
above 3 wt %.
The powder containing 95 % zinc oxide 5 % titania was shown to absorb more UV
radiation and scatter less visible radiation than the individual powders, showing the
potential to provide an improvement to the properties of sunscreen formulations.
QinetiQ Nanomaterials Ltd.
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
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Publication date
A Doctoral Thesis. Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy at Loughborough University.