posted on 2014-02-10, 13:22authored byBenjamin Bolaane
The continued growth of waste generation rates and the general concern for its impact on the
natural environmental have resulted in a search for solutions to contain the problem before it
spirals out of control. One such solution is organised recycling, the practice whereby
municipalities require waste generators to set aside post-consumer materials so that they do not
enter the mixed waste for collection and delivery to the markets. The practice is popular in
developed countries, with municipalities engaging in household waste source separation schemes
to meet statutory targets set by higher authorities. In developing countries too, NGOs,
municipalities and national governments have started to include source separation in waste
management policy and legislation. But this approach will present a new set of challenges to
municipalities and waste generators alike, particularly when it is not preceded by a proper
analysis of practical constraints on the ground. The purpose of this research is to develop
workable recycling guidelines for cities in developing countries with similar characteristics to
Gaborone from analysis of such constraints. The study began as an exploratory research process
that evolved into a case study. A cross-sectional survey methodology was used including survey
techniques such as waste characterisation sampling surveys for household and commercial waste,
questionnaire-based interview surveys, semi-structured interviews with key informants
representing stakeholders, and market survey for post-consumer materials. The research is
directed by the hypothesis that: Despite the projection of organised recycling as an effective
means to enhance waste recycling, its practicality as a waste management strategy in developing
countries is constrained by the realities on the ground. The research found that, the major
constraints to organised recycling are lack of practical official support for recycling, failure of
public awareness to translate into participation in recycling initiatives, the attitude of municipal
officials that favours maintenance of the status quo and relatively high recovery rates achieved by
the existing recycling initiatives. The research concludes that under the prevailing conditions, it
would not be practical to organise recycling schemes in the format used in developed countries
and proposes guidelines that lake into consideration the established constraints.